Saturday, July 29, 2023

Thoughts on NCEA

In my experience, NCEA is a punitive box ticking system, particularly when for students who would traditionally be considered to be in the generally high performing tiers, but may for whatever reason be prone to either occasional clumsy mistakes, or be good at everything except some relarively minor skills (that are accordingly listed in the lowest tier requirements)

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Tan Dun's Water Concerto

I just finished watching a performance of Tan Dun's "Water Concerto" tonight after seeing a clip earlier in the day and being quite intrigued about it.

In short: It's an absolutely fascinating work!

A very interesting mismash of disparate elements put together in interesting ways...

Tan Dun(譚盾) - Water Concerto (水協奏曲) performed by Yi Chen