Sunday, July 7, 2024

Autocorrect Rant

One of my pet peeves about how auto-correct works on my phone is this:

Having to fix and refix and refix something where "it knew better" and kept correcting what I enter, despite either:

1) Repeatedly deleting the "fix" it applied + immediately retyping what I had originally typed

2) Explicitly choosing "option 1" (left-word - i.e. the thing I typed), over "option 2" (i.e. its default auto-correct solution)

This is especially annoying when it happens multiple times within a few 5-10 minutes, when I'm typing + re-correcting the same sequence of characters again and again!


The solution is really quite simple IMO - An explicit user override for a particular sequence of characters (or an immediate delete + retype of the same thing) should be a strong hint that they do not want that sequence autocorrected again in the next 5-10 minutes. If they keep doing this over a longer period, then that sequence should *never* get auto-corrected to whatever the system decides ever again.

*That* is the sort of "smart" behaviour that people really want from their tech, not the "lie-generating plagiarism machines" that are all the rage right now as the Big Tech titans once again battle to win the latest "first to build the 'Next iPhone' Monopoly game"

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