Tuesday, August 13, 2024

My Second/Third Ever Aurora Sighting

Wow! I was finally rewarded again tonight after multiple attempts over the past few nights (and multiple ones earlier in the evening - when others had been reporting lots of successful sightings)... but to no avail until this last-ditch attempt for the night.

More highlights from this show just after midnight here in suburban Christchurch on the night of the 12/13th August 2024 can be found in the following album:


These were taken in suburban Christchurch, around 12:15 - 12:45. It really started building around 12:05 (where it was just a very slight hint when I popped out, testing the waters and hoping that I might strike it lucky at last tonight), before suddenly building + really exploding around 12:15/17-ish, putting on the stunning show, and then fading out again.

I'm sure there will be a lot more spectacular photos showing up in the coming days from more scenic locations. But, just getting to see one without having to commute into the wilderness is an awesome feeling, and one that I'd really been waiting for over a decade to finally get to see.


Note: This is really just my 3rd successful aurora sighting ever (and really, only the 2nd decent-sized display, after the epic 11th May 2024 (Mother's Day) ones). All have happened this year too I should add (and would've been way harder with old camera)

There's still lots to figure out + improve with my technique / equipment (among other things, it's probably time to really get a decent/proper tripod system now).

Main difference this time round is I'm now manually focussing (+ put on full jacket + gloves + mask for cold protection)

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