Tuesday, August 30, 2011

GSoC11 - Pepper branch merged back to trunk!

As of revision 39792, the Pepper GSoC11 branch has been merged back to trunk. So, finally, many of the bug fixes which have been bottled up for a few months now will now be available as part of the main codebase leading up to 2.60

For a comprehensive (though maybe not complete) list of all of the tweaks I've been working on, please see my earlier post



  1. Awesome! As an animator I'm glad to see this stuff, as it's all goodies I will use! Thanks Aligorith!

  2. Nice work man. Strangely it's the minor UI tweaks you added that I look forward to the most,
    Now to compile and test...

  3. Yay! Great work Aligorith, and everyone else who worked on the branch! I'm really excited to have these changes in trunk. It will make working with animation much nicer. :-)

  4. Awesome! has anyone tried the new
    mocap tools yet?

  5. congrats!!! and Thank You for your hard work on these great developments on this branch(and thus the whole of blender)!

  6. I just downloaded this build I don't know if this is a bug or something that is missing from the building process but I cant paste a posse on the opposite side of my rigg, if i hit the little blue arrow button after i selected and stored the posse I want to mirror nothing happens.


    I got this build because I currently doing some animation so I thought the pepper brach would have some nice upgrades, now I curious if this is a bug because
    of the merge, or if this is just a build problem.

  7. "Renderluz":
    Replied to your bugreport.

    There's really no need to go pasting the same message all over the show as if the sky has fallen down.

  8. Excellent work. Im so excited about Blender Salads new features, but mostly I want to play with the Pepper branch. I downloaded a full Salad version from graphicall, and I was absolutley pleased with the Mocap interface. thers just one thing thats been buging me, (and that is probably very easy to change) but i cant find where to change that setting. I hope you can help me. The problem is that in pose mode (and only in that mode) when i select a bone with mouse-right-click, it ADDS the bone to previos selection insted of simply selecting the bone. How can I change this? Thanks a lot

  9. Hi Aligorith.
    Since I could get my hands on the 2.60RC1 I tried to
    get used to the new features & tweaks you introduced
    to the animation system. It looks & feels great so far!
    Hence, a big 'well done' to you.
    However, I saw a red timeline marker in some of your
    screenshots but in RC1 it is still green. Did I miss a
    checkbox/colorselector in user preferences or did the
    red one just not make it into RC1?
    Can you drop a comment on this?

    Best regards,

  10. The red current frame indicator was just a theme setting I was experimenting with locally (on the flip side, it helped me keep track of which build I was working with ;). In the end, I never applied this change, since the majority of users still liked the old version better.

    If you like, you can set this under the Theme settings, though you'll have to do it on an editor by editor basis.

  11. Thanks for the quick reply!
    Good to know that I can change it in the
    theme settings. :-)

    Best regards,
