Friday, July 1, 2011

GSoC11 - Icons!

Following up on my experiments with the toggle icons in the animation editors, I've just committed some icon changes for these and more. A screenshot says a thousand words, so here goes...

What can we see here:
1) Curve visibility is now denoted by the eye icon
2) Muted status is now denoted by the speaker
3) Drivers now have their own icon. The particular icon in use here is quite rough, so any suggestions about a better one that can be used here are very welcome.
4) Keying Sets also have their own icons now


  1. Regarding point 3, I suggest a steering wheel as icon.

  2. Like the keying sets icon! I like Dread Knight's idea of a steering wheel too.

  3. Steering wheel is cute, but cryptic and language specific (like the old blender 2.4 'auto' icon). Better to have something that communicates a bit better as an icon itself imo.

  4. Maybe a big gear and a small one? I'm probably thinking this because I've done it already:

    But it may be visually different enough to stand out from other icons.

  5. Woo! Excellent change. Little things like this can really make a difference.

  6. I like the driver icon.. no steering wheel please.. let's stay away from silly 2.4 things like Auto (a car) and such

    Ali it's really slow to click this icons one by one, in other software you can click and drag. Probably a generic UI thing tough

  7. ah.. didn't see Matt's msg. +1 for him

  8. I'm for the large gear / small gear idea....

  9. 2) An "M" icon would be better. Curves are not sounds.

  10. +1 for the steering wheel idea.
    Congrats and thanks for your hard work!
