Sunday, September 10, 2017

[Vote for Me] New Video Describing my PhD Research for #150YOD

Blender community batsignal!   

TL,DR: Please help vote for my #150YOD video (deadline is Thursday/Friday midnight, UTC+12)! Every vote counts!

Like, Share, and Vote (link below)

Vote for my video at the following link:

Voting Instructions (sorry, that it's a bit of a long-winded process):
1. Go to the competition website
2. Click the "Vote" button
3. Register on the site (Facebook or Email + Name + Password)
4. (If using email, check your email/spam folders, and Activate the account)
5. Back on the competition website, click the "Vote" button again.

Note: You haven't voted until the button says "Remove Vote" and your name appears on the list

Competition Info
I've entered the "150 Years of Discoveries (#150YOD)" video competition to create a 3 minute video describing my PhD research project. The competition is run by the Royal Society of New Zealand Early Career Researcher Forum (@RSNZECR). There will be 3 awards given for this competition: 1 will be decided by the Judging Panel, and the other 2 as "People's Choice" awards.

This is where you guys come in! Please help support a fellow Blender user and long-time Blender developer (responsible for many cool and awesome innovations and features, including Grease Pencil, Pose Sculpting/Sketching, and all the Blender 2.5+ animation system/tools) by voting (on the competition page), "Liking" and my video on Youtube, and sharing these links with everyone you know.

Video Production Info
This video was made using 100% Open Source software:
* Blender 2.79 (Master) and Grease Pencil - All Visuals and Video Edit
* Audacity 2.13 - All sound recording/editing
* Inkscape 0.91 - Additional title graphics editing

Over the course of production of this video, I fixed 5 bugs in Blender (found in the heat of production), and have identified a long list of usability improvements needed. As usual, I'll put up a post-mortem post covering all these points in the coming days.

Video Description
This video is a short overview of my PhD research project. From the competition page/Youtube description:
Highlighting techniques are a diverse class of visual effects that make users aware of salient information in a timely manner. Any visual effect can potentially be used and manipulated to create highlighting effects. However, software designers currently have limited knowledge about how to control their effects, often having to resort to multiple rounds of trial and error. My research investigates how we can measure the effects of highlighting techniques to help designers make better design decisions.

And in case you haven't already, please vote for me here.


  1. hi! it looks like it's too late to vote for you but i did watch the video. that's pretty interesting in and of itself, i thought such graphic design techniques were more or less brought down to a science by now. i make a lot of 3d videos and motion graphics, and the issue of visual "attention direction"/"interest" is of quite a bit of importance to me, but i'm afraid i don't have much to contribute on the matter as most of my methods are largely intuitive(if you can even say i have methods).

    while your research legitimately interests me, to tell the truth i actually have a different reason for posting here. i'm sorry.

    a couple years ago when i was getting started learning how to code, i posted on the Blenderartists forum under the name wtflux. i remember i got a couple comments from you and i came to look at your blog and was really impressed by your involvement in blender. i was going to PM you on blenderartists but when i checked your profile it seemed like you've been gone for awhile, so i'm happy to see you're still relatively active here.

    while i'm still no master, i've come a long way since those posts even though i stopped posting due to lack of interest, but i tend to get stuck very often when coding due to one thing or another and have a number of barriers to my progress. i was wondering if i could contact you sometimes to ask questions/for feedback on various matters. when i post on blenderartists no one can(or will?) answer my questions, and you're the only person i could think of to ask directly.

    if you're too busy or simply don't want to i understand perfectly. i'd like to share what i've created and even get deeper into blender development, but it's difficult without any social contact. i know there is a public IRC but i'm too shy to approach/talk in such a public environment.

    anyway, long story short, is there a place i can contact you personally? would you be willing to answer questions about blender development?

    best of luck in your uni/phd efforts.

    1. Hi,

      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It's been another hectic few months...

      Regarding my research - yeah, I was pretty surprised about this too at the time. I had originally thought that it was probably all solved already and that either, 1) I just didn't know about it yet (wrong terms, etc.), or 2) If there was existing knowledge, maybe there was just an easy mapping we could use to convert from the existing forms into something that's more useful for what most designers/developers actually need. Apparently not. :/

      If you'd like any help with stuff you're working on, feel free to email me (Gmail: aligorith)

  2. About Blenders 3D Grease Pencil Development:

    I have a Feature Request:
    A special 3 Dimensional Grid drawing in 3D View when you use Grease Pencil!
    A Button in Grease Pencil´s Toolbar where you can Enable (Show 3D Grid) or Dissable the Grid (No show 3D Grid.)
    also the possibility to Increase or decrease the amound of Grid Lines drawing in 3d view X,Y,Z directions
    This Grid will Help for better Orientation in 3d space when you draw with GP and also helps when you draw 3d objects in 3d space wizh GP!
    also some vissible numbers in 3d view for the coordinate system

    Here is a video you can see and understand better what i mean!
    the video demostration of the Grid starts at about 08 min 12 sec

    Thanks for this Amazing Tool GP!!!!



    1. Hi Vassilios,

      Actually, that's quite an interesting idea! I remember back when I used to do technical drawing (i.e. hand-drawn, ruler + set-square + pencil, orthographic/isometric/etc.) how handy it was to fill in all the guidelines / bounding boxes for the entire volume and use that for placing things in space.

      I've noted this on our todo list :)
