Friday, February 14, 2025

Rant About Office Chair Sizing

Sigh... it's looking increasingly like I'm going to have to give up on this new office chair after all, after using it in anger for a few days with an adjustable desk that I can try to work around its height-limitations with.

The problem is that it is ultimately way too low for me.

So, just as it was 3 months ago, I'm back to square one in my search for my next long-term office chair it seems.


There are several things that really piss me off about the current state of the office-chair market / offerings...



Why oh why do manufacturers keep making chairs with gas cylinders with only short "stroke" sizes!  

For instance, I commonly see that they only bother to offer what are probably the "80mm" ones for most of the ones with armrests + headrests, whereas on ones that likely have  "100" or "120", those typically have *neither* (and might also only have short backs too)


That and the fact that it's *really* hard reliably getting seat height info out of various chair size specs / product sheets, not to mention when some of them have sloped seat cushions where the numbers reported don't work like the normal flat ones!

For reference, I'm looking for ones with lowest point of seat cushion top being 50cm off the ground.

MANY top out at 45-47 cm. Only some at 50 cm.  At this stage... I'm really looking for something that goes from 49/50 - 60 TBH 😬


While I do care about the seat back height (*), the absolute height that that sits at above the ground is USELESS info without knowing how it relates to the top of the bloody seat cushion

(*) That's mostly for the headrest position - i.e. a high and not-to-far-back headrest + armrests are priorities too, as is avoiding "PU Leather"

i.e. You can have a high seat back paired with a low-sitting cushion, OR a low seat back paired with a high-sitting cushion, but BOTH will end up same height!

And yet, from far too many shops + manufacturers... that's the only pathetically useless information about sizing that they offer!


As I mentioned last time... I fucking HATE  that infernal "PU Leather" crap.  Anything using it is off the menu.

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