This morning, I discovered that my beloved silvereyes had built a nest in the lychee-like tree in our garden (a tree they really like eating the berries of in early autumn).
Not only are they pretty little birdies, but their nests are also delicate, fine specimens suspended over 2 metres in the air. To get this shot, I was standing on a ladder, and had to patiently stand there for a while to let to get used to seeing me before they'd go anywhere near their nest.
The nest...
Feeding time! Two juicy little caterpillars!
Pulling faces at me...
Before jumping in and having a sit.
The nest is just large enough for one parent to sit right over the opening, with its head sticking out one side, and its tail the other. As it turns out, this arrangement makes quite a lot of sense, considering that the nest gets thrown about by the wind quite a bit.
it looks rendered with cycles ;;)